Big Pharma Completely Owns Congress

Big Pharma Completely Owns Congress and most of the mainstream media. Alternative views on most anything like this are scrubbed from the most “respected” of our media sources. If you’re a denial that this is happening, you are in the majority. The New York Times, Wikipedia as just a few examples of media sources that

Tricks, Dips & Patterns

Add stylish partner combinations and patterns to your swing repertoire. Then we’ll learn and explore some Titanic Tricks & Dynamic Dips that will spice up your social world of swing!

Tricks, Dips & Patterns Recap FEB 2019

Here is our recap of the material from our Tricks, Dips & Patterns workshop FEB 10th, 2019 at YSBD studios.

Late Night TALK TIME Commentary | Endorsement

ADHD Diagnosis Viewpoint

My viewpoint on ADHD and the current trend of labelling and medicating.  Without a doubt, I would have been labeled with this disorder had it been invented in the 1970s. Fortunately for me, I was just seen as a fidgety kid with lots of energy,  who daydreamed, and had lots of creative interests often distracting

Juice Fast Results

Here I am about 30 days after my second Juice Fast of 2018. I’m Down to prize fighter weight for my height and feeling Tip Top. It hasn’t been easy and it’s taken restraint, discipline, and immense dedication. More to it than just eating right and exercising. You have to develop routines, stay positive in


Hi Friends, Just checking in with a new update on my June Juice Fasting. This photo contains everything I’ve been Juicing/drinking since the start of my second Juice Fast of the month. That’s right, Second Juice Fast in less than 30 days. I decided immediately after my 8 day Juice Fast concluded, back on June

Jammin’ Juice Fast

Yes folks, I’m back doing another juice fast. It’s been a while since my last one July 2016. (see previous Lindy Juice Fast here)  But I’m pleased to finally clear some space in my calendar and focus on this. As a lifetime dancer, athlete and overall fitness nut, I’m always looking to share health benefits

The Italian Alps | Sestriere, Italy

The site of the 2006 Winter Olympics is one of the most spectacular ski resorts in the world. So much fun and so little time. And Yes, there‘s really a HOTEL SAVOY and Yes, I’m back to ski racing as you can see! In questa foto, la linea Uovavia (Cabinovia) in vista, e siamo in

Deadly Deception by Gary Null   There’s a lot of information in this documentary and it might be the best yet to come out of the brain child company of Gary Null. I’ve known about all this for over 25 years, but it’s stuff you just won’t hear in our heavily controlled mainstream media. Below is a short blurb on the