Lindy Fitness

Paolo 2013

Photo Angelo De Rose

For the Launch of my new Lindy Fitness Blog, I begin by revealing the un-cropped, un-adulterated photos that I first released last week. No photoshop tricks, yes it’s your’s truly. This recent mission began after seeing a Fitness magazine cover back in 2009 featuring a Strength trainer of 48 years. I swore that when I approached that time, I would get into optimal shape and return to my teenager weight. With the help of Trainer Corey, Inspiration from health guru Gary Null, and some moderate Lifestyle changes, I achieved this First Goal.

On this Lindy Fitness site, I will discuss the natural health solutions I use each and every day. I will include commentary on dance forms like The Lindy Hop, Balboa & The Collegiate Shag as these also provide good physical activity.

For today, I’ll just begin with a few words about what I did to get here. Physical activity included 50 min runs 3 times a week, 1 hr weight training 3 times a week, Three Salads per day, Two Protein shakes (Garden Of Life’s RAW Protein™ – a certified organic vegan protein powder and Fresh Fruit and Berries), Nuts, Legumes and two additional Vegetables a day and lots of spring water. With some solid support and willingness to change certain habits, it’s attainable by anyone. You’ll have to throw things out like your Microwave, Your cans of Diet Soda, along with all the junk food in your pantry. And I’ll ask you to question all the knowledge you think you have on the subjects of good health and longevity.

Think of it as a process, or a pathway to better health. Changes won’t happen overnight. It really all starts with a belief that you can change. And in terms of health, a believe that the human body can heal itself and is capable of remarkable powers. Stay tuned as I’ll be bringing you details of my process, and an occasional subject on natural health and healing.