Triple Step Salad

Ginger Sesame Da Paolo

When I thought about what to write for my second entry for the Lindy Fit Blog, I kept returning to food nourishment and the vastly important role it plays in all aspects of our lives.

Thus, the theme for this entry will be Salads! That’s right! I credit much of my success at staying lean and fit to those leafy raw foods. I feel great after I eat them, I feel empowered during the meal, and they help curb my cravings for the junk foods that are less desirable for you.

Preparing salads is also excellent for forming healthy eating habits. The prep process teaches you about fresh fruits and vegetables, reminds you to keep an organized cupboard, fully stocked with nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and more. Plus you’re not relying on an oven or stove and of course worst of all, a MICROWAVE.

I always set aside 15 minutes each day to prepare them and I’ll make enough for the three meals. If you’ve got kids around, get them to join in on the prep process as it’s a decent family bonding activity and it instills habits on your children that will benefit them for a lifetime.

Generally, make the amount you will eat in one day. But if you are washing lettuce and other veggies for future use, just  don’t dress them until the day they will be used as they will keep longer if dry and kept in the fridge.

OK, so here’s my current favorite salad (pictured above)

TRIPLE STEP SALAD with Ginger Miso Sesame Dressing


LETTUCE (organic recommended) The darker the leaf, the more nutrients it contains. Go for mixed greens, romaine, kale, raddichio, spinach. amount: 1 head

AVOCADO Avocados are low in saturated fat, high in monounsaturated fat (thats the good stuff). amount: 1/2 of one avocado

CARROTS They are Rich in beta-carotene which is an important antioxidant. Several studies have shown that antioxidants through diet help people’s immune systems, protect against free radicals, and lower the risk of developing heart decease and cancer. amount: 1/4 cup, shredded or sliced, or 5 to 6 baby carrots

BELL PEPPERS (organic recommended) They’re packed with vitamins A and C. One raw red pepper can meet your daily requirements for these vitamins. amount: 1/2 cup chopped

TOFU or FISH Tofu or Fish are great, low-fat sources of protein. amount: Three ounces, about the size of one small tomato.

DRIED CRANBERRIES or RAISINS Rich in vitamin C, and these add some sweetness to your salads.amount: 1/4 cup

WALNUTS or CASHEWS They are full of protein and fiber. amount: 1/4 cup

MUSHROOMS Important for your immune system and contain selenium, an antioxidant that may help prevent certain cancers. amount: 1/4 cup

TOMATOES  They contain vitamins A and C and lycopene, which may protect against prostate and colon cancers and also heart disease. amount: 3 small tomatoes or 1 large

GARBANZO Beans (Chickpeas) These beans are packed with folate, protein, and fiber. amount:1/3 cup

Corn or Bean Chips (organic recommended) Simply to add some nice crunch to your salads making them more desirable. amount:1/4 cup crushed

CHEESE (optional) Cheese is a good source of protein and calcium. I recommend a goat or sheep milk cheese as their milks are less likely to come from a factory farm. To be safest, use only organic cheeses or purchase imported cheeses from italy, france, spain, as with those countries, people react in a very positive way to farm animal welfare, and factory farming is much less prominent in these countries. amount: 1/4 cup

For the Dressing, I got inspired by this website – Here’s my slightly altered version.

INGREDIENTS: (makes enough for three salad meals)

1/4 cup rice vinegar

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

1/2 cup Olive Oil

2 tablespoons sesame oil

1 tablespoon sesame seeds

2 tablespoons miso paste

2 tablespoons soy sauce

1″ piece of ginger chopped finely

3 garlic cloves

1 teaspoon cayenne pepper (reserve for the nuts)

Salt and Pepper to taste


INSTRUCTIONS: Place all ingredients (except for cayenne pepper) in a food processor Blend until the dressing is creamy or mixed well. Reserve two tablespoons of this dressing and set aside

ADDING TO SALAD: Pour the Dressing over the Salad ingredients (except for nuts) in a big bowl and toss salad until everything is coated well. I recommend you use a very big Wooden Bowl and invest in some nice wooden mixing spoons. It makes this part fun, you won’t spill anything and it makes for a great presentation on your dining table.

Then take the nuts and in a small bowl add the Dressing Reserve. Mix well and add the Cayenne pepper powder to these nuts. That will give them a nice spicy punch. Then Top the Salad with the nuts and salt and pepper to taste. (And that can be optional for your guests).